Dance Drug Index
Honest facts & info on most dance drugs - all you wanted to know by people who know the score . Our intention is to present honest and objective info on the popular drugs.

The new
Spring 2006 booklet
is now out

Hello PlaySafe!

Free copies sent to South African readers

Please email us your name and address
and we post you some (SA only)

Download the PDF here (288KB)




Look here for some of our answers to some of the frequently ssked questions we get - like "how long do drugs stay in your body"
Important Info for Users
Take a look here for some very NB info like safe raving tips and stuff on side effects like Epilepsy, Psychosis, and more you should know about if you are going to use.
There's loads of academic research being done on the effects of recreational drugs - here we try decipher it for you.
About RaveSafe
& Harm Reduction. We are a group of volunteers and based in South Africa. We went online in 1994, and been running an outreach group since 1996.
If we can confirm a "Bad Pill" report first hand, we put up the details here. It's very tricky though to be sure without access to proper lab testing facilties
Links and resources
Also a list of our downloadable stuff like e-flyers and the comprehensive "Essential Info" booklet which you can print out. Send us your suggestions for links
Reality Bytes
Take a look here for loadz of interesting and educational stories about drug experiences sent in by the punters - not everyone has a good timE , so let the user speak.
Emergency Phone #'s
Here are a few telephone numbers for useful contacts and emergency services in a few countries. Please send us any numbers you might have.
Culture Club
We got a few pages up here on good articles that we have come across on drug use within various cultural settings across the world.
The Safe House Project
Dance Party Promoters and Organisers should read this - let's keep parties safe as possible please, Punters - you have a say! Show it to your promoters.
Letters Page
Lots of people write in for advice, and often we have to research the replies. So here we put up the "Best Of" which we hope will be educational and of benefit to you.
Fair Use Policy
You are welcome to use our info for non-commercial use (that is not for money) but please credit us as the source. If u cut'n'paste, please use quotes around our stuff.
Events Pages
We got some links to to Events Pages around the world here. Please send us your fav sources of noctural information so we can add them to this growing list
So What's New ?
For regular visitors, this is the best place to be kept up to date. Simply take a look here since it's a complete log of updates, and you can quickly see waz up since your last visit.
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This is the best way to find info quickly on our web site. Simply type keywords in the following page and sure enough all the info you need will be there.

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